Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorting, sobbing & sewing.

I've been waiting to take out the letter magnets for Jeremy until I thought that he wouldn't just put them in his mouth or just throw them around the house and not put them on the refrigerator.  Today was the day.  I took them out, put them on the fridge door & immediately he started to pull them down and...toss them around.  Fortunately, they stayed in the kitchen and did not make their way under the refrigerator...at least not yet.  He had a muffin tin out of one of the other cabinets & without any prompting from Mommy, started to put the letters in the cups.  Sorting already...he is a boy after my own heart! 

This kept him busy for about 10 minutes.  Then it was time for Mommy to pick him up...while she was trying to make dinner.  He can sense when I have to do something that requires two hands and then decides that is the exact moment he needs attention.  I also happened to have the camera in the kitchen (doesn't everyone have the camera while they're making dinner?) and was able to capture the ridiculousness that is Jeremy being upset.  Hard not to giggle huh? 

 Before all of the silliness documented above, I was able to get a blanket finished.  It's the blanket a friend is having made for her friend who is going through chemo.  I am so excited to hear what she thinks about it and I hope that it helps her warm up during her treatments!
All ready to be picked up!
Tomorrow's agenda: cot blankets.  Stay tuned. 

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